Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Divorce: How Counseling Can Help
Divorce—a word that carries a weight of emotions and life-altering changes. As a therapist who has walked alongside countless individuals navigating the challenging terrain of divorce, I understand the depth of emotions that accompany this journey. In this blog, we will explore the emotional rollercoaster of divorce, shedding light on how counseling can provide both hope and guidance during this tumultuous time. Remember, amidst the twists and turns, there is an opportunity for growth, healing, and a brighter future.
Dating with Chronic Illness: Navigating Challenges and Building a Strong Relationship
Dating can be difficult at the best of times, but when you or your partner has a chronic illness, it can add a whole new level of complexity to the relationship. As a therapist who works with individuals with chronic illness, I have seen firsthand the challenges that can arise in these situations. However, I also believe that with understanding, communication, and a willingness to adapt, it is possible to build a fulfilling and loving relationship with someone who has a chronic illness.
Chronic Illness, Identity, And Self-Worth
Living with a chronic illness can be an incredibly challenging experience, impacting not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Chronic illness can alter one's sense of identity and self-worth, making it difficult to navigate daily life and maintain a positive outlook. In this article, we will explore the impact of chronic illness on identity and self-worth, and provide strategies for building a positive sense of self despite the challenges that chronic illness provides.
Five Benefits of Online Therapy In Georgia
Online therapy, or “teletherapy,” has gained a lot of traction in recent years. Over the last three years, it has become especially popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused a spike in mental health concerns, and one thing that has helped many people to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions is online therapy.
FOMO and Chronic Illness: How to Cope When You Can’t Do It All
Since it’s hard to always participate in social activities and events, it’s not uncommon for people with chronic illnesses to experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). So, what can you do to cope when you can’t do it all? How can you handle FOMO when you have a chronic illness?
Compassion Fatigue: How To Take Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Everyone Else
Most likely everyone in your life knows you’re a natural caregiver. Maybe you do it professionally for several patients. Maybe you take care of your aging parents. Or, maybe you’ve just taken care of everyone in your family for years, so everyone expects it. Most people who take care of everyone else are naturally empathetic. However, after weeks, months, or even years of taking care of everyone (and everything), it can start to take its toll.
It’s not uncommon for caregivers to experience burnout. That can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But, compassion fatigue is different from burnout and can be far more serious.
The Problem with Perfectionism: Why It Hurts and How to Overcome It
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do things well or wanting to put your best foot forward. However, there’s a big difference between having high standards and expecting things to be absolutely perfect like we see in perfectionism…
Chronic Illness and Work: How to Juggle Both - Thoughts From A Chronic Illness Therapist
When you have a chronic illness, it’s easy to worry about how it will impact your job. You might even be afraid to tell your boss or coworkers about your difficulties because you worry your illness might cost you your career. Even if you are upfront about it, your illness might cause you to struggle some days more than others…
5 Signs You’re Living With Complex PTSD - Thoughts From A Trauma Therapist
Most people understand the basics of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We often associate it with individuals who have been through a major traumatic event, such as war, a natural disaster, or even an abusive situation. However, many people are not as familiar with the term complex PTSD…
5 Dating Tips For Those With A History Of Trauma
No matter what type of trauma you’ve been through, it’s unlikely that you’ll recover from it overnight. Some people struggle with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for years. Dating with a history of trauma is always difficult…
Is It Time to Share Your Trauma History With Someone? – A Trauma Therapist’s Thoughts
No matter how long ago you went through a traumatic experience, it isn’t always easy to talk about. That can be especially true if you’re trying to figure out when to share your trauma history with a romantic partner or someone else close to you…
Learning To Say No Without Feeling Guilty
Do people know you as a “yes” person? Do you have a hard time telling people no because it makes you feel bad? If so, you’re definitely not alone. With everything you say yes to, you probably feel overwhelmed and tired. You might even start to resent the things you’re agreeing to or the people who are asking you to do things…
Fear of Failure: 5 Ways to Cope and Create Confidence
It’s not uncommon for people to fear “messing up” on a big project or in trying to reach a major goal. In some cases, a mild fear of failure can be a motivational tool. However, when that fear takes over your life and ends up in the driver’s seat, it can completely strip your confidence and sense of self-worth…
How To Cope If You're Pregnant And Depressed
Pregnancy is an exciting time, and truly like no other experience in the world. However, that doesn’t mean that every second of your pregnancy will feel happy and wonderful. In fact, if you’re feeling depressed throughout your pregnancy, you’re not alone…
How to Know if You’re Ready to Date When You Have a History of Trauma
When you have a history of trauma, especially if you were in relationships that were emotionally/physically/sexually abusive, you likely find it difficult to trust other people and hard to form new relationships. This understandably makes dating very challenging…
The Importance of Healthy Boundaries and How to Set Them
You’re probably familiar with the idea of having good boundaries, and you know they can benefit your relationships and your mental health. Boundaries can keep us from feeling taken advantage of or resentful of others and can boost our self-confidence and sense of self-worth…
What is EMDR and How Does it Heal Past Trauma?
To begin with, EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. While that might sound complicated, this type of therapy is actually pretty straightforward. That’s one reason it has increased in popularity over the years…
Why Trauma Therapy Is So Effective
When you have experienced trauma, whether it was a one-time situation or chronic, repeated traumatic events, it can be overwhelming and painful. You may not know how to fully process what you’ve been through, which makes it easy for the trauma to “take over” your thoughts and feelings…